With a passion for the issues faced by large commercial and industrial energy users, Royce joined the Eastern Energy Buyers Group in late 2018.
Prior to joining EEBG, Royce had some two decades experience in the energy sector most recently as General Manager – Energy & Sustainability for Visy Industries, a large corporate energy user and energy generator.
While at Visy, Royce managed “anything and everything” to do with energy. This included active energy purchasing and hedging of a range of energy commodities, having enlisted Visy in various wholesale gas markets since the early 2000s and taking indirect exposure to wholesale electricity markets.
Royce also put forward business cases for and saw through waste-to-energy, co-generation and solar projects. Royce also managed Visy’s carbon & renewables revenue, reporting and liability, its energy efficiency and demand response programs and Visy’s lobbying of government and government agencies with respect to energy.
Royce was a Member of the AEMC (Australian Energy Markets Commission) Reliability Panel representing the interests of all Large Energy Users.
Royce also oversaw the acquisition and conversion of a large gas-fired combined-cycle generator, of little value in a high gas price environment, to a 120 MW fast start peaking generator. Royce registered the facility as a valuable peaking Market Generator in the National Electricity Market before assisting Visy with its sale to wind generation company, Infigen.
Royce is also the founder of poweRD Consulting which provides specialist energy consulting primarily to commercial and industrial energy users. Prior to his energy role at Visy, Royce held engineering roles and prior to Visy held roles at ABB Switzerland, Macquarie Bank and Freehills law firm.
Royce holds a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Engineering (Mech) (Hons) from Monash University