The Eastern Energy Buyers Group was established in 2017, to allow Commercial and Industrial businesses to jointly purchase gas and electricity.

ACCC approval for the group was received on 22 November 2017.

This approval allows EEBG to jointly purchase up to 16,000,000 GJ per annum of gas and 4,500,000 MWh of electricity per annum for participating Buyers.

Any businesses spending more than $1 million per annum on energy could benefit from participation in the EEBG platform.

Participation in the EEBG platform gives buyers access to:

  • An energy buying platform designed by energy users for energy users
  • Lower energy costs
  • A small team of senior energy professionals, with more than 50 years combined experience
  • An opportunity to procure gas and electricity on pricing and terms that would otherwise only be available to the very largest customers
  • An opportunity to secure supply in the wholesale market, eliminating excessive retail margins
  • A larger selection of suppliers
  • Buyer friendly terms and conditions when compared to traditional gas and electricity agreements
  • A wide range of supply solutions to meet the unique requirements of your business

EEBG is a uniquely independent platform for energy buyers by energy buyers.

Participation in the EEBG platform gives buyers access to:

  • An energy buying platform designed by energy buyers for energy buyers
  • Lower energy costs
  • A small team of senior energy professionals, with more than 50 years combined experience
  • An opportunity to procure gas and electricity on pricing and terms that would otherwise only be available to the very largest customers
  • An opportunity to secure supply in the wholesale market, eliminating excessive retail margins
  • A larger selection of suppliers
  • Buyer friendly terms and conditions when compared to traditional gas and electricity agreements
  • A wide range of supply solutions to meet the unique requirements of your business

EEBG is a uniquely independent platform for energy buyers by energy buyers.


Gas Supply & Services

  • Arrange gas supply via the EEBG aggregated platform, access to wholesale markets and competitive upstream pricing, terms and tailored supply solutions
  • Wholesale gas market physical services for large users, including arranging upstream physical and financial gas supply, pipeline transport, storage and, for larger customers, daily scheduling and nominations
  • Originate supply alternatives for sites on constrained or monopolised transmission pipelines

Electricity Supply

  • Arrange electricity supply via the EEBG aggregated platform, access to large customer and wholesale markets, competitive pricing, book build / progressive purchasing structure, terms and tailored supply solutions
  • Arrange PPA and long term offtake agreements from renewable and other projects
  • Environmental Certificate (LGC, STC, VEEC, ESC) management
  • Energy Administration Services (both Electricity and Natural Gas) – bill analytics, tariff optimisation, MDQ resets, etc

Demand Response (DR)

  • Direct access to AEMO and other Demand Response programs via aggregated platform. Terms available for participation in Long and Short Notice Reliability and Emergency Reserve Trader (“RERT”) DR programs. Access to FCAS and other network services programs sponsored by third parties. Demand Response allows C&I energy users the opportunity to “offer up” their load for very short periods in return for cash remuneration.

Project Solutions

  • Feasibility studies and economic modelling of on-site energy projects including; co-gen, solar + battery, waste-to-energy and energy efficiency
  • Assistance ranging from EPC tenders through to project funding and Government grants

Market Updates

  • Access to regular gas and electricity market updates, benefiting from EEBG’s activities in the upstream and wholesale markets
  • Ad hoc analysis of energy market fundamentals and opportunities, including management and board reports

About Us

Eastern Energy Buyers was founded in Sydney by Richard Doyle in 2018 as a truly independent platform delivering energy supply solutions for Australian businesses. Our core service for customers was the Eastern Energy Buyers Group aggregation platform.

A few months later, Royce De Sousa (Director) established our Melbourne office. Royce is one of the most experienced industrial buyers of energy in the market and a pioneer in the deregulated gas markets on the east coast.

Our goal is to deliver energy supply solutions designed by buyers, for buyers. The gas and electricity markets on the eastern seaboard of Australia are now experiencing levels of cost, uncertainty and volatility, never before seen, increasingly influenced by offshore energy markets such as LNG.

Eastern Energy Buyers recognises that these market conditions and challenges call for a fresh look at the way we buy our energy and a questioning of “traditional” practices. As a truly independent platform, we are not influenced by historical or current relationships with retailers and other suppliers. We are not an aggregation platform for retail partners, we work for you, medium and large Commercial & Industrial Users, to secure Energy on Your Terms.

The energy markets can seem incredibly complex and difficult to navigate, often deliberately so. We strip back the complexity and guide our customers to more appropriate and competitive supply solutions.

50 years combined experience in both Australian and offshore energy markets is at your disposal, customising solutions to meet your business’ operational and financial needs.

Eastern Energy Buyers recognises that these market conditions and challenges call for a fresh look at the way we buy our energy and a questioning of “traditional” practices. As a truly independent platform, we are not influenced by historical or current relationships with retailers and other suppliers. We are not an aggregation platform for retail partners, we work for you, medium and large Commercial & Industrial Users, to secure Energy on Your Terms.

The energy markets can seem incredibly complex and difficult to navigate, often deliberately so. We strip back the complexity and guide our customers to more appropriate and competitive supply solutions.

50 years combined experience in both Australian and offshore energy markets is at your disposal, customising solutions to meet your business’ operational and financial needs.


View the following articles published in The Australian referring to EEBG:

Gloves need to come off in east coast gas price fight
Brace for more big rises in gas prices



Richard Doyle

Founder and Director - Sydney, NSW, Australia

Richard founded the Eastern Energy Buyers Group in 2017, at a time of unprecedented volatility and supply challenges in energy markets on the Australian East Coast. The goal was to provide commercial and industrial users of energy with access to a truly independent aggregation platform, innovative procurement solutions and lower cost energy.

With more than 20 years’ experience in energy markets in Australia, Asia and North America, Richard recognised the need for a new alternative for Australian businesses, outside of the traditional retail energy procurement model. He understands the benefits that can flow to end users from the aggregation of buying power, access to wholesale markets and the breaking down of market information barriers.

Over his career, Richard has held senior roles with ANZ, Credit Suisse and Macquarie both in Australia and the US. He has extensive experience in physical and financial markets including electricity, environmental, natural gas, LNG and oil.

Richard is also a Founder and Director of Hivve Technology, a renewable technology company, and a Director of Langu Resources, an independent energy consultancy.

Richard holds a Bachelor of Economics from the University of Sydney.


Royce De Sousa

Director - Melbourne, VIC, Australia

With a passion for the issues faced by large commercial and industrial energy users, Royce joined the Eastern Energy Buyers Group in late 2018.

Prior to joining EEBG, Royce had some two decades experience in the energy sector most recently as General Manager – Energy & Sustainability for Visy Industries, a large corporate energy user and energy generator.

While at Visy, Royce managed “anything and everything” to do with energy. This included active energy purchasing and hedging of a range of energy commodities, having enlisted Visy in various wholesale gas markets since the early 2000s and taking indirect exposure to wholesale electricity markets.

Royce also put forward business cases for and saw through waste-to-energy, co-generation and solar projects. Royce also managed Visy’s carbon & renewables revenue, reporting and liability, its energy efficiency and demand response programs and Visy’s lobbying of government and government agencies with respect to energy.

Royce was a Member of the AEMC (Australian Energy Markets Commission) Reliability Panel representing the interests of all Large Energy Users.

Royce also oversaw the acquisition and conversion of a large gas-fired combined-cycle generator, of little value in a high gas price environment, to a 120 MW fast start peaking generator. Royce registered the facility as a valuable peaking Market Generator in the National Electricity Market before assisting Visy with its sale to wind generation company, Infigen.

Royce is also the founder of poweRD Consulting which provides specialist energy consulting primarily to commercial and industrial energy users. Prior to his energy role at Visy, Royce held engineering roles and prior to Visy held roles at ABB Switzerland, Macquarie Bank and Freehills law firm.

Royce holds a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Engineering (Mech) (Hons) from Monash University

Cody Lin

Associate Director - Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Cody has more than 12 years of experience in all facets of energy cost management; from managing energy efficiency initiatives to developing and managing wholesale energy trading.

Prior to joining Eastern Energy Buyers Group, Cody was responsible for Visy’s Energy Purchasing and Strategy with the aim of reducing cost and delivering revenue for the business.

While at Visy, Cody was managing the energy portfolio of $100 mil - $200 mil p.a through upstream producer negotiation, direct gas market participation, power station trading, energy hedging, carbon and environmental commodities trading and waste to energy co-generation plant commissioning and operations.

Cody had also successfully secured a number of Government grants worth several million dollars to support energy efficiency and generation initiatives with the most recent completed project being a 1.9 MW roof-top solar and battery installation in Adelaide.

With an eye for detail and a passion for energy and savings opportunities, customers will benefit from Cody’s in-depth knowledge and reap the benefits of innovative energy solutions.

Cody holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Chem) (Hons I) from Monash University.


Eastern Energy Buyers’ team located in Sydney and Melbourne have 50 years collective experience in all areas of gas supply and portfolio management.

As pioneers of the wholesale gas market participant model for industrial businesses on the East Coast of Australia, the team brings extensive and practical experience in the management of large gas portfolios (5PJ+ per annum).

Participation in AEMO Physical Markets: Gas - DWGM, STTM;

  • Application, registration, prudentials, other set-up
  • Spot Trading Operations including bidding and price optimisation model
  • Market Generator gas bidding and units dispatch – 120 MW Fast Start Gas-fired Peaking Generator (OCGT)

Transmission pipelines

  • Negotiate and Strike Gas Transmission Agreements (GTA)
  • Utilise pipeline flexibility services to manage and optimise gas portfolio against load profile

Gas Storage

  • Negotiate Gas Storage Services Agreement (GSSA)
  • Utilise storage as tool for spot / contract arbitrage, risk management and gas supply diversity

Bilateral negotiations with Gas Producers

  • Gas Supply Agreements / GSA

Financial and Secondary markets

  • Gas forward contracts
  • Locational Swaps


  • Daily bids and nominations, scheduling, balancing, settlements and prudential management



Director Royce De Sousa
Phone 0419 217 085

Ground Floor
35 Cotham Rd, Kew
VIC, 3101


Director Richard Doyle
Phone 0447 333 402

Suite 113
56 Berry St, North Sydney
NSW, 2060